53 Our Tool

Our Tool

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet nulla auctor, vestibulum magna sed, convallis ex.

Method 1: Copy With the Button

Click the copy button. The invisible text will be copied to your clipboard.

If this method doesn’t work, use the 2nd or 3rd method.

Method 2 - Copy manually

Select the empty text in the box below by clicking the select button. Then press the CTRL+C on Windows or Command+C on macOS to copy invisible characters. Blank space will be copied to your clipboard.

To test the copied text, paste it in the Test box below or click on the upper right corner's green button to test.

Method 3: Generate Invisible Text as per Requirement

Type the number of invisible characters you want to produce in the box and hit the Generate button. Then click on "Copy Blank Text" button and the invisible string will be copied to the clipboard.

Test it

Paste the empty character into the text box. If the grey text disappears, it means your blank text is working.

Character: 0
Unicode Description HTML Example
U+0020 Space [ ]
U+00A0 No-Break Space   [ ]
U+2000 En Quad   [ ]
U+2001 Em Quad [ ]
U+2002 En Space [ ]
U+2003 Em Space [ ]
U+2004 Three-Per-Em Space [ ]
U+2005 Four-Per-Em Space [ ]
U+2006 Six-Per-Em Space [ ]
U+2007 Figure Space [ ]
U+2008 Punctuation Space [ ]
U+2009 Thin Space [ ]
U+200A Hair Space [ ]
U+2028 Line Separator [
U+205F Medium Mathematical Space [ ]
U+3000 Ideographic Space   [ ]